VIA will take appropriate steps to ensure that communication with applicants and community members is effective. VIA shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford a person with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in VIA programs and services. This would include, but not limited to sign language interpretation, Braille, large print, accessible online documents, etc.
Learn more about VIA’s Reasonable Modifications and Accommodations by clicking the Accessibility Tab on our How To Ride page.
Complaint Process
Any person who believes that they have been discriminated against on the basis of a disability by VIA may file an ADA complaint, by submitting a complaint to VIA Customer Service Department.
Under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), VIA is required to make its services and programs accessible to people with disabilities and in compliance with the ADA. This procedure satisfies VIA’s obligation to provide a grievance procedure under Title II. If you feel that you have not been able to access a program or service of VIA because of accessibility issues, or have been discriminated against based on your disability, you may submit an ADA Complaint.
How to Submit an ADA Complaint
Please submit your complaint to VIA’s Customer Service dept by completing an online form or by calling 210-362-2020. For an alternative format to submit your ADA complaint, please contact the Accessible Services Department at 210-362-2140 or via email at
When filing a complaint, please be sure to communicate whether your complaint is related to your disability and provide sufficient facts demonstrating how your complaint is related to your disability. You will receive a response with the results of the investigation within 20 business days if you requested a response and provided sufficient contact information.
This procedure is intended to satisfy VIA’s obligations under the ADA and applies to anyone alleging discrimination on the basis of a disability in VIA’s provision of its services, activities, programs or benefits. This process is designed to provide you with the opportunity to quickly and effectively resolve any issue(s) as it relates to the ADA and VIA. Your complaint will be investigated in accordance with VIA’s complaint procedure.
Appeal Process for an ADA Complaint
If you are dissatisfied with the result of your ADA complaint, you may submit your appeal to VIA’s ADA Manager, Carolyn Dougherty. You may submit your appeal via email to
Appeals must be submitted within 30 calendar days after you received your results or after you originally submitted your complaint, whichever is later. The appeal must be in writing and state all facts and arguments supporting your belief that the complaint was not appropriately resolved. The ADA Manager will review the complaint and provide a written response within 30 calendar days.